The Eighth Annual Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Awards are in full swing and surprise, surprise Sherlock Holmes, in a variety of forms (Film, DVD, Comic Book), has landed on the ballot.Voting is open to everyone, so go along to the Rondo Awards website and cast a vote for Sherlock Holmes, along with a slew of other great horror nominees today!
For Best Movie of 2009:
- SHERLOCK HOLMES. The Guy Ritchie directed feature film with Robert Downey Jr. as Sherlock Holmes and Jude Law as Watson.
For Best DVD TV Collection:
- BBC SHERLOCK HOLMES. Peter Cushing stars as Sherlock Holmes alongside Nigel Stock as Watson in the North American DVD release of the 5 remaining BBC episodes of the 1968 television series.
For Best Horror Comic Book:
- VICTORIAN UNDEAD. Written by Ian Edginton with art by David Fabbri, this Wildstorm series pits Holmes and Watson against a legion of undead zombies.

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