By Christopher Redmond
Dundurn 2009, 336 pages
ISBN - 10: 1554884462
ISBN-13: 978-1554884469
Canadian Sherlockian scholar Chris Redmond's invaluable resource A SHERLOCK HOLMES HANDBOOK (originally published in 1993) has been updated to reflect the wealth of changes in the Sherlockian world over the last 16 years. On his excellent site www.sherlockian. net Chris describes his reasoning behind the new edition.
"...Things do change over the years, and it's more than time for a new edition, catching up on new films and books (a few with a hint of the supernatural) and the advent of the Internet, which (as you may have noticed since you're here) has spread Sherlock Holmes's fame and Sherlockian fun even farther worldwide. These years have brought three multi-volume editions of the Holmes stories, with hundreds of footnotes providing new insight and amusement. They have also seen Holmes appear repeatedly on the amateur and professional stages . . . and there have been changs to everything from copyright law and library collections to booksellers and audio recordings.
I've touched on it all, I hope, with nine chapters covering the original Sherlock Holmes stories (how they appear and continue to appear), the characters and themes, the author, the Victorian era, policing, detective fiction, parodies, films, radio and television, Sherlockian societies and writings, museums, and the eternal question: what is it we love about Sherlock Holmes anyway?"
It really is an excellent and invaluable resource that belongs on the shelf of beginner/casual readers and veteran Sherlockians alike! Now available from all good booksellers under the slightly revised title of SHERLOCK HOLMES HANDOOK. Pick up a copy today or order it using one of the links below. Highly Recommended!
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